Lao Penal Code

Hello and welcome to the Lao penal code series!  In this series of videos we will see how the penal code is applied.  These educational videos explain the Lao penal code in a 10 part video series and gives general background information about the Penal Code.

What is a penal code?

The penal code is the text that gathers all the rules related to offenses and punishments. And looking at the principle of legality all the rules concerning offenses and punishments just can come from the penal code. Offenses refer to behaviors, actions, or the fact of not doing something prohibited by law because they are deemed dangerous for social order.

The series of presentations were created for ILSTA based in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

Assessing Malnutrition, Support and Treatment. A set of educational videos supporting medical staff on how to deal with malnutrition.

This set of 16 education and instruction videos was supported by UNICEF and created in cooperation with the Lao Friends Hospital for Children in Luang Prabang, Northern Laos.

Appetite Test

Case Study 2; Failure of OP therapy

Case Study 1; Nutrition Rehabilitation Succes

Assessing Nutrition Status

Checking for Complications

Emergency Kangaroo Care

Community Engagement

Measure MUAC

Check for Oedema

Protection Against Covid 19